Instructions for Global Traveler Registration
Your Global Traveler Registration has been created on your behalf. In some cases, your GEC program manager may have pre-populated certain fields. To access and complete your registration:
Open the email sent to you with your temporary login credentials. Click on the link for Non-Elon Users.
Alternatively, navigate to MyElonGlobal ( and click “NON-Elon LOGIN” in the top right corner.
If prompted, select "I am NOT an Elon user and have login credentials that I received by email" and click “submit.”
Enter the temporary username and passcode you received by email and click "login."
Set up your security questions and click "Update."
Set your permanent passcode and click "Change."
You'll be prompted for address fields. The only required fields are your
mobile number and your
emergency contact information. Complete these fields and click "Update."
Keep in mind you may be prompted for emergency contact information more than once. The emergency contact information you enter here is for general purposes; the emergency contact information you may be asked to provide in your registration is specific to your travel.
You should now see your registration on the left side of your page under “Applications” or “Registrations.” Click on “Global Travelers (FSR).”
Read your welcome letter explaining the registration. Click “Continue.”
This is your registration page, which lists elements for you to complete and elements for the GEC to modify.

Elements in the right column are action items. Click each to sign digitally or input information.
Click on each element for instructions on how to complete. Once completed, the element will be checked off or marked “N/A” in your registration.

If you have completed a GEC registration previously, there are some fields you can copy over from previous registrations, such as emergency contact and passport information questionnaires.
Copy over previous registration responses ONLY if the information is still valid (e.g. your passport will not expire within six months of your program end date).
If that option is available, the questionnaire will display the option to "load responses from" and provide a drop-down menu.
Select your previous registration, and relevant fields will be pre-populated with what you submitted previously.
Be sure to review that the pre-populated information is still valid for your upcoming term.
Note that the itinerary information in the left column is set to University dates. The GEC will modify this on your behalf—please do not input your itinerary directly or click “add new itinerary record.”
Once all the boxes are checked or marked “N/A,” your registration is complete. You may select "submit registration" to be sure you have completed all requirements.

Assuming all elements are complete, you will receive notification that your registration has successfully been submitted.
You will be able to view everything in your registration at any time, but once signed or submitted, you will not have access to edit that element directly. If you need to modify an entry, please email your GEC program advisor or